Bowel Cancer

Bowel Screening

Bowel screening aims to find cancer early or to find changes in your bowel that could lead to cancer.

If you are aged between 58 and 74 years you will be issued with a screening kit. This test is called a FIT (Faecal Immunochemical Test) and can be conducted at home. The instructions are very clear on how you obtain a sample of poo and how you return this to the laboratory for testing. Checks are undertaken to detect any traces of blood in the poo which can be caused by other medical conditions and doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer. But if it is cancer, finding it at an early stage means treatment is more likely to work.

Dr Az Ali and Carrie Glenn have made a short video for our patients which provides information as to why it is important to complete this test.

Please visit – Why it is important to attend your bowel screening to view.

If you wish to organise your test, please contact 0800 707 6060 quoting your NHS number.

For further information please visit – Testing for blood in your poo using the FIT test.

If you haven’t attended your screening, a member of our Patient Services Team will contact you to encourage to have this test.