
Diabetes UK - Diabetes and being ill

Useful information from Diabetes UK if you are feeling unwell.

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What to do when you are ill

Everyone has days when they are not well. If you have diabetes, being unwell can affect your blood glucose control so it is important that you know how to manage this. Please view the relevant leaflet below for more information.

Diabetes UK - Coronavirus and diabetes

Useful information relating to the Coronavirus.

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Pre diabetes is a diagnosis given when someone has a raised blood sugar and is at risk in the future of developing Diabetes. In the last 10 years the number of patients with this condition has increased by almost 100% and if, as a nation, we do not take steps to try and reverse this trend, not only will individuals become unwell, they are at risk of going into hospital, living with ill health and even dying younger.

But this can be reversed if it is diagnosed and people are willing to change their lifestyle.

Diabetes UK report that up to 50% of people can reverse pre- diabetes if they can reduced the sugar in their diet, lose weight and increase activity.

If you have been diagnosed with this condition I urge you to take up the offer of education to try and manage this and make positive changes to your health that will enable to you to not just live longer but in good health and with enjoyment.

If you would like any more information please visit: www.diabetes.org.uk/preventing-type-2-diabetes