Large Volume Of Calls

We would like to apologise to all of our patients for the telephone waiting times to speak to a  member of the Patient Services Team.

Over the last three weeks we have experienced a significant increase in the number of calls received each day and even more this week as parents are concerned for their children given the outbreak of Scarlet Fever.
Requests for appointments have increased dramatically as we head into the cold and flu season.
We are constantly looking at our resourcing and would like to reassure our patients we are working very hard to ensure we have enough clinical time to support this unexpected increase.

Whilst this situation is incredibly difficult for patients and staff alike, please can we ask for our patients understanding when speaking to the Patient Services Team.  At the guidance of a GP, the Patient Services Team may ask patients to self medicate, visit their local Pharmacy, attended the town Extended Access Hub at Albany House Medical Centre or book a routine appointment for a week or more time.

We thank you for your understanding as we continue to work extremely hard to support our patients in need.